Whiskey Bill's House of Ill Repute. Where it all gets poured out.



The phone is ringing
The TV is blairing
The radio is left on
"Ding" an email
"Buzz" a text message
"Tweet" a tweet
Dishwasher sloshing
Truck blazing by on the street
Neighbor talking outside loudly
The wind whirring around the corner of the house
Computer fans running
A constant mysterious ringing in my ears
Blasted Crickets

And then quiet

I feel peace
I feel calm
I feel rest
I feel clarity
I turn on a fan so I can sleep



When we are young we are invincible
Our lifetime is unendable
We dream of what we'll be when we're grown
All the way into the nursing home
We all say "when we're old and gray"
and think that it's too far away
and that we'll never see someday
But then at last we're faced with fear
and how our lives can end right here
we don't see our lives flash before our eyes
those claims are narcissistic lies
for when I really see my fragility
is when I see my family without me

What We Deserve


Everyone is entitled it seems
To something of which they've only dreamed
Our culture shouts "you've earned it!"
Advertising flashes "you need it!"
If we don't have one it's what we're sure to want
Not for need, but just for flaunt
Each new thing proclaims our status
Each new day a new thing is thrown at us
We want it our way and we want it now
There is a line of lenders to show us how
When I think of our lives here in the west
And how everyones dream is to have the best
I want to cry for those with real need
Who for our crumbs will beg and plead
I want them to share in our world's sublime
But I can't do it alone, because what I have is mine.



Do we really have to go through this again?
Just when I get comfortable
Just when I think I understand
Just when its starting to get easier
Just when everything seems right side up
And I'm getting used to where I'm at
But, it's not my will its yours
I'm not steering you are
Just please give me good directions this time
Please point it out with a flashing beacon
And perhaps a neon sign
Show me where or what or who you want me to be
Go ahead and turn my world upside down one more time
Go ahead and shake me up like a glass ball
Full of water and white material that looks like snow
With a little town at the bottom
And a name accros the base "Shawn's World"
That should really say "God's Kingdom"
Lets see where it all lands this time
Go ahead and turn me over
Shake me up
And set me down again.

A Bigger Hammer


I can't seem to make them understand
What is so hard to get
Do they not love him?
Do they not want to please him?
Do they not believe his word?
Or have they put themselves in his place
Have they disregarded anything that requires work
Requires patience
Requires pain
Requires discipline
Requires more than lip service
Is it only about what they are aware they need?
Can you really get by with just that?
Don't you have to be more?
Jesus says you have to be more
How do I drive it through their thick skulls?
I need a bigger hammer

About me

  • I'm Shawn Skaggs
  • From Tuttle, Oklahoma, United States
  • Trying to follow Jesus, Start a family, Run a business, Love my neighbor and change the world.
  • My profile

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